Kung Fu Body Conditioning 2 with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming

Kung_Fu_Body_Conditioning_DVD_2Kung Fu Body Conditioning 2: Traditional Training for Endurance and Power with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming begins with an introduction that shows Dr. Yang training students at his California retreat center. The first thing I though was, “wouldn’t it be great to be able to live and train there with a man as knowledgeable as Dr. Yang.”  After this 5 minute introduction, one of Dr. Yang’s students provides a quick introduction regarding what is featured on this DVD.

Next, we have Dr. Yang describing basic qigong and the importance of martial grand circulation breathing. He brings in students to help illustrate how to perform the different qigong exercises he teaches in the program. (Including some on Taiji Ball Qigong and Candle Staring) The end of the qigong section of the DVD is at approximately 51 minutes.

Part 2 of the DVD focuses on conditioning exercises. Arm conditioning is first and includes candle punching, punching with weights, staff fundamentals and more. This section is taught by and illustrated by some of Dr. Yang’s students. And while I prefer Dr. Yang teaching, these students do a good job of sharing what they have learned from Dr. Yang. At approximately 82 minutes, the students start teaching and sharing leg conditioning exercises that include brick rooting and jumping exercises. At almost the 95 minute mark, the training switches to bag kicking and kick training. The six kicks focused on in the program are toe kick, heel kick, ramble kick, external sweep, internal sweep, and straight cut kick. At approximately 108 minutes, the ten stances are taught. These include horse stance, four-six stance, mountain-climbing stance, tame the tiger stance, and others. Drills for each stance are shown to train the legs. This section ends at approximately 118 minutes.

Part 3 of the DVD teaches Partner Drills. These include reaction drills, distance drills, and arm conditioning drills. Again, this segment of the DVD is taught and illustrated by Dr. Yang’s students. It concludes at approximately 148 minutes.

Part 4 of the program is on Outdoor Training and includes information on training both the arms and legs outdoors. Things such as post punching, weight vests, pullups, dips, cinderblock flipping, log running, monkey running, and trampoline are covered. These are also taught by Dr. Yang’s students and the program goes to approximately the 195 minute mark. It then has a section to music showing Dr. Yang’s students training outside in a wooded area. Again, it makes one wish they had such a beautiful location to train. This goes to about the 201 minute mark.

The DVD then concludes with Dr. Yang discussing preserving Kung Fu today and the deeper meaning of martial arts. I agree with Dr. Yang that we should preserve the older arts, and greatly appreciate his teaching to do just that. This DVD is excellent for showing the older training ways that have been passed down for many years. I also really liked his emphasis on the philosophy of martial arts and not just the physical for hurting or killing others. Dr. Yang is a wise man and I hope many listen to his message. There are then a couple of outtakes and the program ends at 210 minutes.

Kung Fu Body Conditioning 2 preview:

Like many of YMAA’s DVDs, there are previews of other DVDs in the bonus section. Also like other YMAA DVDs, this DVD is has excellent production values in regards to the filming and sound.

With modern science, we have advanced physical training methodologies that have taken athletes to the highest levels. That does not mean we can’t learn from the past. I really like this DVD for a couple of reasons. One, like Dr. Yang, I want to preserve the older teachings and this DVD does an excellent job of teaching and preserving the older Kung Fu body conditioning methods. Two, the program provides alternate training than many are probably used to, and that can be refreshing and bring results different from what one might be currently doing. I like mixing my training up once in a while, and the exercises and drills contained in this program provide a lot of different ways to train and add variety. I also liked the emphasis on training safely to build power without injury.

If you are looking to include some older conditioning exercises and qigong into your training, or just want to academically research the older Chinese training methods, I highly recommend this DVD with Dr. Yang and his students. It’s an excellent program on traditional training that builds on the first DVD.

Check out Kung Fu Body Conditioning 2 at amazon:

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