Warriors Focus On What They Want To Accomplish

Epictetus quote“Regardless of what is going on around you, make the best of what is within your power, and take the rest as it occurs.”

– Epictetus

When you discover Your Warrior’s Edge, you find focus. Because if you life is reactive, and your day ruled by other people’s emergencies, you will have a hard time making progress on your big life projects. You must focus on those big things that you want to accomplish and purposefully take action to make them happen.

We must realize what is within our power, but also know that we often have the power to do much more than we think. Those things that we cannot do anything about, we must learn to let go. Remember, don’t sweat the small stuff. And as some say, it’s all small stuff. If you don’t believe me on that one, think of a problem and then think of how important it would be if you just learned you only had a few days to live. Remember, it’s all perspective.

The key is to make the best of what is within our power, and not to let the rest bring us down. That’s what living life to the fullest is all about, and that’s what I mean by discovering your warrior’s edge. You live powerfully making the most of everything given you without dwelling on those things you cannot change. And with those things you cannot change, you roll with the punches. As one of my Army drill sergeants told me years ago, you must be able to roll left, roll right, or low-crawl up the middle.

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