Strength from the Warrior’s Edge

Rock climbing with strength quoteStrength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.

Discover Your Warrior’s Edge and commit to doing something you thought you couldn’t now!

Living with the Warrior’s Edge is living powerfully through principles taught through martial arts and warrior traditions throughout the centuries. Discipline and doing what needs to be done, regardless of whether it has been done before or if thought possible, are hallmarks of warriors. The heroic warrior who stands up for what is right, despite the odds, is admired for the strength and commitment it takes to perform such a feat. We can all find that inner strength and do things we don’t believe we can.

I’m not saying it is easy, because if it was, we’d all do it. But it can be done. We must dig down deep within ourselves and find the important why behind what we want to do and then take the actions needed to accomplish whatever it is we’ve decided and committed to doing.

Through disciplined training, study, meditation, and visualization, we become stronger and thus, it becomes easier to commit to those things we once thought impossible for ourselves. If you are still finding this difficult, continue your training and stretch yourself with smaller accomplishments that are difficult and continue to raise the bar and set harder and more challenging goals for yourself. You’ll soon find yourself doing things you once thought you couldn’t, and hearing others marvel at not only what you are doing, but who you have become.  That is living with the Warrior’s Edge.

So, commit right now to doing something difficult, something you have put off due to fear of failure. Use your strength to do something you once thought you couldn’t. Don’t wait. Don’t put it off. Do it now!

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