Our Greatest Weakness Lies In Giving Up – Discover Your Warrior’s Edge and Don’t Quit

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

– Thomas A. Edison

I often tell the story of when I was sitting outside First Sergeant Issac’s door when the soldier they sent instead of me came back from the 2nd Infantry Division Scout Sniper School and told him he’d quit. You should have heard First Sergeant explode. When our company got another slot for the school, I was chosen to go. I remember Top coming up to me and asking if I was ready. When I told him I was, he said, “You’re not going to quit, are you?” I assured him that I would come back a sniper, and I did.  Giving up was not an option. Quitting was not something even considered.  That is the attitude you must have for those things that are important to you and that you want to accomplish.

When I talk about the Warrior’s Edge, this conviction of never giving up is part of it. Warriors drive on through hardships and don’t quit. They accomplish their missions. If you want to make things happen, you must drive on toward success and never give up. That’s the edge warrior’s have. I arrived at college after getting out of the Army and signed up for a heavy first quarter of classes, including honor’s classes. An advocate asked me, “Don’t you think this might be too heavy a load?  You might want to consider taking fewer classes your first quarter.”  I told her, “I’m a sniper, I can do it.” She didn’t understand, but I did. It was my warrior’s edge. My sniper’s edge. I went on to get straight A’s that quarter. It was the discipline, the determination, the dedication, and the refusal to ever give up that was honed in the military that allowed me to do it. That’s what I’m talking about when I say discover your warrior’s edge to succeed and live a more powerful and fulfilling life.

You will only succeed when you refuse to quit.  You must refuse to give up. We’ve all heard of the numerous times Edison’s light bulbs didn’t work. But he continued. He persisted. And he is now known as one of the greatest inventors of all time. That’s because he wouldn’t give up.

If something means a lot to you. If it is important. You must not give up before you succeed. Keep at it, and keep trying one more time. You’ll get there. And also remember, it’s the climb that really matters. Don’t forget to enjoy the climb or the journey on your way to the top.

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