Be Honest Not Only With Everyone Else

Honesty is the first chapter Thomas Jefferson Alain Burrese“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”

Thomas Jefferson

When you Discover Your Warrior’s Edge, you are honest not only with everyone else, but you are also honest with yourself. This honesty will lead you toward true wisdom.

It is too easy to be dishonest with yourself and others, and there are more ways to be dishonest than you can count. This may help you gain temporary accolades and maybe even monetary gain, but it isn’t the path the warrior chooses.

I could give you plenty of examples, but you don’t need those. You have seen people being dishonest, and you know the difference. But I must caution you, because sometimes dishonesty is difficult to see unless you actually look with open eyes. This is important, because while we are only in control of our own actions and honesty, we should watch out for the deceit of others. Sometimes the deceit of others doesn’t really matter, and it doesn’t effect us, so it is easy to ignore or casually overlook. But it should matter. So keep your eyes open.

Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others. And while you can’t force or expect everyone else to be honest, you can hold them accountable. That, my friend, is being wise.

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