The Knockout Game – Defend Yourself

Knockout GameThe “knockout game” is making the news these days. I don’t like the name, because it is not a game. It is assault, and it can be deadly. There is nothing sporting about it. It is pure cowardliness and disgusting. I could go on a rant that would make the devil blush about these scum that are doing it, but I’ll refrain and instead discuss the problem and what you can do about it.



If you are not familiar with what I am talking about, watch this knockout game video:

The Knockout Game – Is It New?

A friend and colleague of mine, Marc MacYoung, commented that this isn’t new. There have been different, but similar violent acts occurring by different names for years. However, I do believe the occurrences of this “knockout game” are a bit different from previous violence that Marc discussed recently. But in reality, it doesn’t matter if it is new or not when it comes to defending yourself and not being a knockout victim.

Some people also believe that it isn’t as common as some news reports make it seem, and that the media is blowing it out of proportion to sensationalize it and scare people. Again, this doesn’t matter for purposes here. I don’t want you scared. I just want to help you not be a victim, because even one victim of this sickening “game” is too many. And fortunately, the same things I’ve been teaching people to stay safe are the same things that will keep you safe from the knockout game.

Awareness Is The Key To Avoiding The Knockout Game

Essentially, this is a kind of ambush. And let me tell you right now, a true ambush is hard to defend against, that’s why it’s used as a tactic. When you get sucker punched, you lose. If they do it right, you are unconscious and there’s nothing you will do at that point.

So what do you do? You prevent the ambush by being aware of what is going on around you and how your actions are effecting what goes on around you. If you haven’t watched the Situational Awareness videos on the Staying Safe page, do so when you are done with this article. (Also be sure to sign up for the Your Warrior’s Edge e-newsletter and get the free guide to Situational Awareness immediately to download as a PDF.)

You win the knockout game by not playing!

Get your head out of your phone and pay attention when you are out and about. This also goes for when you are driving, and if you want a relationship tip, when you are communicating in person with other people. Be observant to what’s going on. Notice anyone approaching you. Don’t be surprised!

Here is a video about a person who used his concealed firearm to shoot the person who wanted to play the knockout game with a taser:

Before you think that having a gun is the answer, you must realize that without awareness, you won’t have a chance to use your weapons, regardless if you are carrying a gun, pepper spray, or just your hand-to-hand self-defense skills. You must be aware first!

Think about it this way. What are these scum looking for when they are looking for a victim of this so called fun? First, they need a complacent victim, usually alone, with little situational awareness. In other words, a lone person not paying attention. Don’t be that person!

Tips To Avoid Being A Victim Of The Knockout Game

The same things I’ve been preaching for ages will keep you safe from this so called trend as well. They are looking for easy targets, not those who are aware of their surroundings.

1. Walk with friends and don’t be alone when you don’t have to be. (In some places you can ask for an escort to your car.)
2. Keep your head up and pay attention. Be alert to what is going on around you.
3. Especially be aware of how close others get to you. Does that mean everyone? Not necessarily, but those that fit the profile of the scum that are assaulting innocent victims, yes, don’t let them get close enough to ambush or sucker punch you.
3. Keep your hands free. Don’t be distracted with your phone, bag, etc. Sure, I understand you have to carry things when shopping, or to and from work, but if you can keep your hands free, do so.
4. Walk with purpose. Project confidence.
5. Trust your instincts and feelings. If something in your gut tells you something is wrong, pay attention to those feelings. If that group ahead makes you feel funny, cross the street or go the other way.
6. One more time – Be Alert, Be Alert, Be Alert.

Don’t Play The Knockout Game

Remember, the best way to win the knockout game is to not play. Awareness is the key to this. After that, all of the other self-defense principles you study and train with, including weapon use if you are in a place where you can legally carry, are the same for this type of violence as other types. Just stay alert so you are not ambushed or sucker punched.

Be sure to watch these awareness videos and sign up and get the guide to situational awareness.