Unbreakable Umbrella

Alain using the Unbreakable Umbrella to defend himself.Alain Burrese learned of the Unbreakable Umbrella from Thomas Kurz a short time before filming his Hapkido Cane DVD set with Paladin Press. (Filmed June 10-11, 2006 in Boulder, CO, and released in 2007) Upon checking out the umbrella, Alain discovered that it was everything it was advertised to be. After smacking a heavy bag around with it, and using it to perform some hapkido joint locking cane techniques, Alaim filmed several scenes defending himself with the umbrella. It easily adapts to many of the hapkido cane techniques.

In the Hapkido Cane video, Alain points out that many of the techniques he teaches with the cane can be done with an ordinary umbrella and achieve results as well. Techniques such as the throat jabs pictured, where you thrust the tip or point into areas such as the throat, can be effective with just about any umbrella or similar object. However, if you use an ordinary umbrella, most likely you will break it, even with thrusting techniques. If you want to perform strking techniques or joint locking techniques as illustrated below, you will need something much stronger than what you will buy at your local department or discount store. That’s where the Unbreakable Umbrella comes in. This umbrella will hold up under forceful strikes and joint manipulation techniques. Again, hapkido cane techniques adapt very easily when working with the unbreakable umbrella.

You can purchase an Unbreakable Umbrella from Real Self-Defense. At this site, you can see video clips and pictures of the Unbreakable Umbrella and purchase on-line. (Unbreakable Umbrella videos are also available below)

You will see on the Real Self-Defense site that the umbrella comes with a straight handle and one with a crook. Alain consulted with Thomas Kurz when designing the larger crook to perform certain Hapkido Cane techniues.

Order now from Real Self-Defense

Additionally, Alain will sometimes offer Unbreakable Umbrellas for sale at his seminars. If you are planning to host or attend a Self-Defense, Hapkido, or Hapkido Cane seminar, contact Alain to discuss the availability and special deals he offers seminar attendees. Call (406) 544-7410 to discuss seminars with Alain.



Unbreakable Umbrella videos: