Forge Yourself In The Way

Forge yourself in the Way.

  • – Miyamoto Musashi

How do we forge ourselves in the Way as Miyamoto Musashi directed in the classic text The Book Of Five Rings? I think there are several things we need to do in order to forge ourselves in the Way. These include:

Training. We train. And we train for ourselves. We don’t train for certificates, trophies, or acknowledgment from others. Sure, getting those things and more are all benefits from training, but they are not the reason we train. We train for ourselves, and as part of the forging Musashi talked about. And we train wherever we are. The person training in their home, like the picture used with this blog, are forging themselves as much as those in the fanciest of schools. It is the commitment in one’s heart to their training that makes it count, not the place or clothes one wears while doing it.

Studying. Besides training, we can study the Way. This includes studying ancient texts such as The Book of Five Rings, The Art of War, and many others. But it also includes studying modern resources on training, as well as resources on your areas of expertise. Become a complete person by studying and training in more than just fighting arts.

Living. Training and Studying are essential, but you must also live! You must get out and live life to the fullest and incorporate what you have learned and trained in to help others. After all, what good is studying and training if you don’t do anything? And do good things, make a difference. Then help and teach others. That’s truly living life.

So that’s it in a nutshell. If you want to forge yourself in the Way, train, study and live life. Those are really the simple keys to many things.

Thanks to Gary Fisher for the photo I used to accompany this post.

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