Warriors See The Possibilities, Not The Impossibilities!

Warriors See the Possibilities“Warriors see the possibilities, not the impossibilities.”

– Alain Burrese

Living with the Warrior’s Edge is an attitude. It’s an attitude of “Yes, I can!” Warriors look for and see the possibilities around them, not the impossibilities. This is important for everything you do.

If a warrior is wounded on the battlefield, giving up and defeat are not in the equation. Even if everyone else believes victory is impossible, the warrior sees possibilities. The warrior digs deep, and pulls the grit from within, and makes the impossible possible. But what of those heroic warriors who died on the battlefield, you may ask. The Warrior’s Edge attitude still applies. Rather than looking at their death as defeat, they look at their death as a victory of self, dying for the cause they believe in and giving every last breath and thought to the cause. A good death, to the warrior, is self victory.

Most people reading this won’t find themselves in a life or death battle, but obstacles and challenges will still arise that sometimes seem insurmountable or impossible. The “Yes, I can” attitude is equally important in all difficult situations. It’s more than just being positive, it’s being committed to doing what must be done. Yes, I can!

Living with the Warrior’s Edge is powerful, and part of that power comes from this “Yes, I can” positive thinking. And this positive thinking is a self-discipline. This is also why discipline is such an important trait of warriors in all things. When positive “Yes, I can” thinking is a daily self-discipline, you control it. You control yourself. You see the possibilities. You make them happen.

Your attitude is the driving force behind your actions, and actions are what warriors are about. We don’t just think and wish, we do. We act! So incorporate the positive attitude of “Yes, I can” as a daily discipline and see the possibilities before you, even when things look bleak. When you do this, you’ll have the edge over others. The Warrior’s Edge.

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